Monday, February 8, 2010

Animation Essentials

So I have been taking "Animation Essentials" a class at MassArt. These are a few of the animations I've been working on. The first assignment was supposed to be a loop that I made very roughly on the first day of class. Its of a frog sticking its tongue out and eating a fly. Its pretty much my first animation ever (which of course I seem unable to load at the moment).

The examples below are for an assignment to animate the eight actions (see "Acting for Animators", by Ed Hooks). The actions are: flick, thrust, dab, slash, wring, press, float, and glide. The ones I have posted below are slash, thrust, and I have combined press, float, and flick in the last one. I also quickly added sound effects using Final Cut Pro, first time with that. Yikes!

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