Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Animation is Fun!

Just had to say even though nobody reads this, Animation is fun! I can't wait to post my newest work in progress for the April Competition. Its only been a couple hours of work so far and its really just blocking and staging but it so cool how just a few sketches can create movement and emotion. Had to share. And even though I didn't get into Animation Mentor for the Summer, I'm gonna try again for the fall when my 90 days are up.

I also need to start storyboarding my short film about Henrietta and Ramon (or Renaldo), my raccoons, cause I think thats the piece I'd like to work on for my final project. We have to storyboard the whole thing. Animate one scene, and do the final of what the overall design and color of one image will be. (basically do one frame of what it would look like in the final film). I of course want to do more than that but can only do what time permits. Now if my boss would hurry up and get me down to three days a week I could spend more time on this stuff. Animation rocks! Tee Hee.

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