Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Animation Essentials Class

I have been working on a number of things in class lately. The first is of a Dog and a Duck. This was done using modern methods of rotoscoping. I downloaded a clip and then traced the images in flash. Then printed out each from which I edited by hand making each frame different from the last. It was meant to be random and even though I think its a little weird it was educational.

I had another one that is done with cut paper and though it took a long time to put together it doesn't take up much time at all when played back. I will have to work on the timing in Final Cut to make it last longer and highlight certain parts. It won't load at the moment so I will probably fix the timing and then upload the updated version when I get a chance.

We are also working on Lip Syncing in class. I have chose to work on part of 11 Second club's April competition. So far I have worked on two previous months competitions doing all the planning and thinking up characters but haven't ever finished anything worth posting. I am hoping that I will be able to get out this months animation or at least some form of clip. This is roughly what I have so far, it just being a focus on lip sync and using symbols. When I actually do the animation for April I want to break it down into poses and what not.

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